Event Info at a Glance
Race Guide
The Race Guide is our single-page, quick reference for everything you need to know to make the most of your event experience.
Keep it close by on your phone or go old-style and print it out.
The Basics |
Event | Harcourts Cooper & Co Devonport Half Marathon |
Event Date | Sunday, October 6th, 2024 |
Race Options | Half Marathon | 10k Classic | 5k Fun Run & Walk | 2k Kids' Dash |
Tickets & Fees | See the enter page |
Number Collection | AHMS Series Pass entrants will receive all five race numbers by courier one week prior to the first event. All other entrants must collect their race number at the Event Venue from 2-4pm on Saturday (the day before the event) or from 6am on race morning. |
Where is it? | Event HQ is at Windsor Reserve in the heart of Devoport village. See Event HQ for more information. |
Getting There & Parking | See our Traffic & Transport page |
Race Number Collection | Other than Series Pass entrants, all race numbers must be collected in person from the race venue on race weekend. Head towards the green RACE PACK PICKUP tents and line up according to your surname. It's helpful to have your eticket on your electronic device (or printed out) in case you are asked for it. Race number collection operates from 2-4pm on the day before the event and from 6am on race morning. If you ordered MERCHANDISE with your event ticket, remember to check-in at the Merchandise tent to collect it. Just show your race number. |
Gear Drop & Key Check | A self-service Gear Drop area is housed in the red GEAR DROP tents at the race site. You must show your race number to Enter & Exit. Select one of the numbered aisles to set your bag down. If you only have a set of keys to drop, a Key Drop container will be available at the Gear Drop entrance. Please ensure you label your keys with your race number. Running Events operate an “all care, no reponsibility” baggage service - DO NOT leave valuables in this area. |
Race Rules | See our general Competition Rules here. |
Safety | The safety of our participants, crew and the public is our number one concern. First, last and always. Find out more about our safety procedures and what to expect at our events on our dedicated Safety page. |
Race Weekend Schedule |
Saturday, 2-4pm | Race Number Collection at Event HQ |
Race Day | |
06:00 AM | OPENEvent HQ opens at Windsor Reserve |
07:30 AM1 | RACE STARTHalf Marathon Runners |
07:33 AM | RACE STARTHalf Marathon Competitive Walk |
09:00 AM1 | RACE START10K Classic Runners |
09:03 AM | RACE START10K Competitive Walk |
09:30 AM1 | RACE START5K Fun Run & Walk |
10:30 AM1 | RACE START2K Kids Dash |
10:45 AM | Spot prize registration mats open (approx - listen for PA announcments) |
11:00 AM | Awards ceremony and spot prizes |
11:30 AM | CLOSEEvent Close (approx.) |
Participating |
Race Number | A valid race number - issued in your name - with timing tag attached, must be worn on the front of your shirt whenever taking part in any of our events. Find out more about the race number & timing tag here. |
Toilets | A large number of dedicated event portaloos will be located near the Start Line and next to Devonport Library. Public toilets are available right around the course - check out the race page for your chosen race for details. |
Aid Stations | Aid stations are spaced approximately every 4-5km on course. Check each individual race information page for details. All on course aid stations will serve water at the first table and PURE sport drink at the second table. |
Directions | Look out for our directional arrows at all turns and intersections. These will either be a white arrow on a blue circle or - for more detailed instructions - a yellow sandwich board setup on the road. Marshals are also present at all changes of direction. |
Marshals | Event marshals will be assigned to each change of direction and intersection. They are there for your safety and to keep you on course. |
Emergencies | If you see a competitor in distress, stay with them and send a message to the next marshal. If it is a life-threatening emergency, ask someone to call 111. |
When You Finish |
Finisher Medal | All officially registered participants in the event will receive a beautiful commemorative finisher medal when they cross the line. Running Events are renowned for the quality of our finisher medals and you can expect a weighty and beautiful keepsake which prominently identifies the event and year and recognises you as a FINISHER! |
Refuelling Station | When you finish, you'll be handed a banana and a can of SUPA sport drink prior to exiting the finish chute. Once outside the chute, a dedicated water tent will be nearby for you to continue rehydrating. |
Results | Results will be updated in real-time throughout the race. Scan the QR code on the front of your race number to be taken directly to your dedicated result page to see how you did. Alternatively, a link to this year's race results will appear here. |
Awards & Spot Prizes |
The Awards Ceremony will kick off at 11am sharp and should last no more than 30 minutes. We hope you can stick around to celebrate some of the great achievements of the day. A list of awards to be presented for each race appears on the race info pages. Each participant also has a chance to share in up to $5,000 of spot prizes which will be randomly drawn during the ceremony. To be eligible for the Spot Prize draw, you must be present in person and you must walk your race number over the special spot prize registration mats near the stage when they are activated. Listen for announcements on the PA 10-15 minutes prior to the Awards Ceremony for instructions. |